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Safely Managed Sanitation: Introducing the new WHO learning package

International Water Association and World Health Organization

Target Audience

Policymakers, practitioners, government agencies, regulators, engineers, and utilities as well as interested researchers and academics.


Photo credits: Center for Water and Sanitation This webinar is jointly organised by World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with IWA’s Inclusive Urban Sanitation Initiative. On World Toilet Day 2022, the World Health Organization launched a safely managed sanitation (SMS) learning package, to support the implementation of the Guidelines on sanitation and health, the SDG6 global acceleration framework, and the 2030 campaign for sanitation. This session provides practitioners with the foundational knowledge needed for acceleration, including national-level definitions of SMS, how they can be embedded into national systems, and risk-based approaches for professionally managed services at the local level and regulation at the national level. This interactive session will showcase tools and examples of implementation. Learning Objectives At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the health rationale for safely managed sanitation (SMS) (SDG6.2)

  • Appreciate the need for professionally managed and regulated sanitation services to support SDG6 acceleration.

  • Understand risk-based definitions and approaches for SMS at global, national, and local levels.

  • Find additional information in the learning packages and feel motivated to deploy them in various settings.

Additional resources

Q&A report: TBA Webinar presentation slide: TBA Related resources:

  • State of the world’s sanitation: An urgent call to transform sanitation for better health, environments, economies and societies

  • OpenWHO course: For a healthier world: safely managed sanitation

  • Guidelines on sanitation and health

  • Sanitation safety planning

  • Sanitation-inspection-packages


International Water Association

  • Kate Medlicott, World Health Organization, Team Lead Sanitation, Switzerland.

  • Sophie Boisson, World Health Organization, Technical Officer for Sanitation, Switzerland.

  • Batsirai Majuru, World Health Organization, Technical Officer for WASH Regulation, Switzerland.

  • Yvonne Magawa Eastern and Southern Africa Water and Sanitation Regulators Association, Executive Secretary, Zambia.

  • Leonellha Barreto-Dillion, Barreto Dillion, Seecon, Lead Trainer, Switzerland.

  • Charlotte Adjei Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Programme Manager & Capacity Building Coordinator, Ghana.

  • Vijay Chaurasia Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Housing & Public Affairs (MoHUA), Advisor, India.

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